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MSM Formation

Religious vocation is both a personal call from God and   the individual’s free response to that call.


It is a call to intimacy with the Lord and be  of service to God’s people.



Aspirancy is a time of discernment within the community. Aspirants live in community and participate in the life of a Missionary Sisters of Mary while going to intercongregational formation programs and deepening their spiritual life. Aspirancy can be a year or more. 



Notiviate is a period of two years. Novices

· study the vows and how they are lived in the life of Missionary Sisters of Mary

· attend regular individual conference  with  novice directress

. intensive prayers and Bible studies

· study the history & Constitution of the Congregation

· live in a novitiate community and experience community living

· experience working in the mission during the second year with the MSM Mission Station.


Final Profession

On-Going Formation

We live our consecrated life  in view of the love of Jesus Christ to the Father in unity with the Holy Spirit.



Postulancy is one year formation. Postulants continue to deepen their spiritual life and take classes on religious life, church history and theology. They work hand in hand with their community to develop their community life.


· continue to discernment their religious life

· deepen their spiritual life

· become involved in the ministry of the

community through their exposure

· participate in formation programs



After the completion of novitiate,a Sister professes temporary vows, which is to be  renewed every year for the period of 6 years, and ending in final profession wherein she will become a permanent member of the Missionary Sisters of Mary (MSM) . During the time of temporary vows the sister actively participates in the work of the mission and continues her religious formation and discernment. After her final profession ongoing formation aids the sister to fostering  her  own vocation and making her  ministry more  fruitful.

Golden Anniversary

MSM Founders

MSM Pillars

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